Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life of Pi Blog 1

         From the first one hundred pages of the book, I found myself being swept into the story. The basic premis stands out to me the most in the fact that he is a boy trying to find his true identity. Some of my favorite parts includes how he tells the story of how he got his name. He never said his name before then, and he also tells in detail how he got his nickname. Beyond that, I love when references the zoo because the way he describes people pertains so closely to how some people act. This is demonstrated also when he speaks of the sign saying "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE MOST ANIMAL IN THE ZOO IS?" and then it turns out to be a mirror. While, I did not enjoy the part where his dad makes me watch the death of the goat, I still love the story so far. I am excited to be reading a fiction book as well, and I am looking forward to getting to the rest of the novel.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Color of Water Blog:Part3

George Bernard Shaw once said, "Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."
While Shaw makes an interesting and valid point, I believe that the Color of Water shows how to create yourself you have to find who you are and where you come from as well. James has to lose himself before he ends up being able to create himself to the man he wants to be. Thankfully, he is able to get out of his bad habits and set himself straight. I really like that he goes back to his mother's town as well because while things are never the same when you go back, I still believe that going back and seeing a part of your history is important. This book was well written, and I thoroughly enjoyed the story of finding who you are and also give a tribute to who your mother was.