Monday, April 18, 2011

Life of Pi Blog 3

While I could sit and analyze different quotes and sections of this section in the book, I really mainly just want to talk about one part that really stood out to me. This is the part when Pi and Richard Parker start their odd but mutual trust and agreement about each other. The scene in my head is scary. A little boy with a tiger isn't exactly the most serene setting. However, I'm amazed constantly by the fact that even though Pi is afraid, he still stands up to the tiger. I was really frightened and did in fact cringe a bit during the flying fish scene. However, I couldn't help but be amazed by the might of the tiger and of Pi's bravery. All I could think of in this sense and what I wrote in my book was, "What hurts us will always make us stronger".

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Life of Pi Blog 2

Throughout the last 100 pages, this story has been wrapping me up in a emotional frenzy of "what ifs?" and "how in the world?s". Part two of Life of Pi is mainly description of how Pi gets by after he is thrown overborad. However, I am amazed at the complexity of the situation. Also, I was surprised by the fact that when I got to the description of the zebra being eaten by the hyena, I wasn't necessarily as disgusted as I was sad about the fate of the zebra. Not just the fate even, but I was also struck by the sadness of how the zebra knew it's fate and yet kept it's eyes open the whole time accepting it's death. For some reason, this just really got to me and yet, even with overwhelming sadness, I kept reading. I also was struck by the list of rations Pi had, and how comparably little he actually has. That part was actually the most frightening to me. All in all, I'm just ready to see how this ends.