Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union

Recently, in my US History class, we were talking about the Industrialism Era. Free Enterprise has always had a major role in the governmetn of our country, and now it seems that we are back into our own Indrustrialist era. Our new forms of technology however are not creating low paying jobs, but instead taking many high paying ones away. The past few years our deficit has grown and we are facing groups such as monopolies that are not addressed. During this time, Obama has been our President. Originally he promised his change, and while yes change is somewhat what we have gotten, the change was not what we have requested. We now have a new healthcare reform because of his change. We are slowly moving closer to a socialest economy. However, since Obama did not give us the changes we wished, Republicans are now back in Congress. This brings us to the State of Union from yesterday. Obama spoke words that he thinks we wanted to hear. However, there didn't seem to be very much merit to them in my opinion. Especially when he was discussing his budget plan, because I have no idea where he expects to get all of this money to invest when we still have so much debt. Now don't get me wrong, I would love to see our money go to a good cause such as clean energy sources and education, but I cannot see how it will happen. Which of course, he gave no true answer to how. Beyond his words and fluff though, I am quite curious and excited to see the new advances in technology that will come in the future. For now, that is all I am excited about though.

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