Monday, February 14, 2011

Color of Water Blog 1

So this might sound frightening at first to some at first, but I strangely relate to the Color of Water. The mother in the book reminds me of my mom. Now, that may seem odd at first. As a disclaimer, I will say my mom NEVER encouraged me to not tell people things or not talk to them. However, my mom didn't have friends when I was younger. I was an only child growing up with my aunt, grandmother, little cousin, and mom. All she needed was us. My mom has always lived in her own little world, and she has always been carefree. So the character of Ruth is very similar to my mother. I strangely enjoy the story. While yes, the story has it's sad moments, it has a strange love behind it, and that stands out the most to me. I think this is because I appreciate eccentricity. No matter what though, I am thoroughly enjoying this novel.

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