Nadine Gordimer once wrote, "Writing is making sense of life. You work your whole life and perhaps you've made sense of one small area." While, Nadine may be right about how little we figure out in perception of our lives, that is not the part that stands out to me. Honestly, what attracts me the most is when she says you work your WHOLE life.
It is Stephen King's belief that one must write a lot to become a good writer, maybe even a whole liftetime perhaps. Now the question isn't whether or not the statememnt is true (even though I do believe it is) but rather does Stephen King exemplify his statement with his life. In others words, does he live what he preaches? Well, thankfully for our sake and King's, his integrity is good and he does in fact exemplify this belief throughout his career. My favorites include his early childhood, where King in fact wrote all the time. His writing often ended him up in the principal's office for trouble, but what matters the most is that he always kept writing. No matter what, he was always writing down his thoughts. I believe the smartest and most dangerous people, are the ones who go after their passion with everything and never give up. They are the ones who become successful, those are the ones that King says become good. You see, even someone with natural ability such as Stephen King had to hone his skills. So he wrote. and wrote. and wrote. He received rejection letters, and worked for little pay. In fact, he ended up having to do other jobs than just write because it took so long. No matter what though, Stephen King wrote a lot. Today, he is a well-known superb writer, and an inspiration to many. Why? Because he practices what he preaches.
Refer to authors by their LAST names! Gordimer not Nadine! Also, this is an essay test, so your tone and diction should reflect that. This essay is a little too informal.
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